Pinchas — פנחס
民数记(Num): 25:10 – 30:1
列王纪上(1 KINGS):
18:46 – 19:21
约翰福音(Jhn): 2:13 – 22
罗马书(Rom):11:2 – 32
Pinchas (פנחס) 是一个希伯来语的名字,在英文圣经中被翻译成“非尼哈”。它也是第四十一段妥拉经卷段落的名字,因为它来自本周妥拉阅读段落的第二节,“祭司亚伦的孙子、以利亚撒的儿子非尼哈,使我向以色列人所发的怒消了”(民数记25:11)。在这段妥拉阅读段落中,神与非尼哈和他的后代签订了平安之约,下令进行了第二次的数点以色列人行动,解决了关于继承的问题,任命约书亚来接替摩西,并列出了指定时间的献祭。
Pinchas (פנחס) is the Hebrew name translated in English Bibles as Phinehas. It is also the name of the forty-first reading from the Torah because of the second verse of the reading, which says, "Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has turned away My wrath" (Numbers 25:11). In this Torah portion, the LORD makes a covenant of peace with Phinehas and his descendants, orders a second census, settles questions about inheritance, appoints Joshua to succeed Moses and lists the sacrifices for the appointed times.
民数记 25:10 | 非尼哈的热心
民数记 26:1 | 对以色列新一代的人口普查
民数记 27:1 | 西罗非哈的女儿们
民数记 27:12 | 约书亚被指定为摩西的继承人
民数记 28:1 | 日常的献祭
民数记 28:9 | 安息日的献祭
民数记 28:11 | 月朔的献祭
民数记 28:16 | 逾越节的献祭
民数记 28:26 | 七七节的献祭
民数记 29:1 | 吹角节的献祭
民数记 29:7 | 赎罪日的献祭
民数记 29:12 | 住棚节的献祭
列王纪上 18:41 | 旱灾停止
列王纪上 19:1 | 以利亚逃离耶洗别
列王纪上 19:11 | 以利亚在何烈山遇见神
列王纪上 19:19 | 以利沙成为以利亚的门徒
Numbers 25:10 | The Zeal of Phinehas
Numbers 26:1 | A Census of the New Generation
Numbers 27:1 | The Daughters of Zelophehad
Numbers 27:12 | Joshua Appointed Moses' Successor
Numbers 28:1 | Daily Offerings
Numbers 28:9 | Sabbath Offerings
Numbers 28:11 | Monthly Offerings
Numbers 28:16 | Offerings at Passover
Numbers 28:26 | Offerings at the Festival of Weeks
Numbers 29:1 | Offerings at the Festival of Trumpets
Numbers 29:7 | Offerings on the Day of Atonement
Numbers 29:12 | Offerings at the Festival of Booths
1Ki 18:41 | The Drought Ends
1Ki 19:1 | Elijah Flees from Jezebel
1Ki 19:11 | Elijah Meets God at Horeb
1Ki 19:19 | Elisha Becomes Elijah's Disciple
神的圣所被称为“(与神)约会的帐幕”,祂神圣的节期也被称为“指定的时间”(appointed times;希伯来词为moedim)。它们之所以这样命名,是为了教导大家这样一个道理:安息日和节期就像帐幕一样,扎营在流动的时间中。当我们进入神指定的节期时,我们就进入了一所由时间搭建的帐幕。
主耶和华警告百姓说,“献给我的供物……你们要按日期(appointed times)献给我”(新译本译为:要小心按着日期献给我)。这句话的意思是,我们应该一丝不苟地谨守神所指定的日子。可是有时候,信徒对于遵守节期的态度却是懒散的。经常听到有人说,“在哪天守安息日并不重要,只要我们把任意一天作为安息日就好了”。也有人可能说,“我们的seder(逾越节宴席流程)没在逾越节当晚过,但是至少我们有seder”。有时候,人们对遵守神的诫命持一种宽松随意的态度,似乎越少在乎这些细节才能越多彰显属灵成熟。但总之,这种态度其实承载着一种对神的漠视。
Appointed Times
God's holy place is called the Tent of Appointment. His holy times are called the appointed times. The reason is to teach you that the Sabbath and the holy days are like tabernacles pitched in the flow of time. When we enter the appointed times, we enter a holy temple made of time.
Numbers 28-29 is an ancient priestly calendar, a detailed list of the prescribed Temple sacrifices for each festival day. They are God's appointed times for meeting with man. They are also appointed times for sacrifice. Since we are without the Holy Temple, the laws of Numbers 28-29 are not actually applicable to us. They are a list of sacrifices, and the Bible forbids us from making sacrifices outside of the Temple. We are forbidden from offering a sacrifice, but we are still obligated to keep the appointed times.
The LORD warned the people, “You shall be careful to present My offering … at their appointed times.” It means that we are to be scrupulously careful to keep the appointed times at the appointed times. Sometimes believers take a lenient attitude toward matters of observance. It is often said, “It doesn’t matter which day we keep the Sabbath, as long as we keep a sabbath.” Someone might say, “Our seder isn’t on the seder night, but at least we are doing a seder.” Sometimes people keep a loose and casual attitude towards observing God’s commandments as if being cavalier and indifferent to the details conveys spiritual maturity. If anything, it conveys indifference towards God.
For example, if a person agreed to meet you at a certain coffee shop, at a certain time of day, this coming Tuesday, but then showed up on Wednesday instead of Tuesday, he would not actually be keeping the appointment, would he? You would have been there on Tuesday. He would have been there on Wednesday. You would never have met as you were supposed to meet. God’s appointed times are appointments. We are to be “careful” to observe them at their “appointed times.”
First Fruits of Zion